This is an archive. The current Bates College catalog is available at

Catalog Archive



Contacts and Agreement

Address correspondence to:
Bates College, Lewiston ME 04240

Telephone number for all offices:
(207) 786-6255

Fax number for all offices:
(207) 786-6123

Admission and Scholarships:
The Dean of Admission and Financial Aid
Lindholm House, (207) 786-6000

Matters of General College Interest:
The President
204 Lane Hall, (207) 786-6100

Alumni Interest:
The Director of Alumni Engagement
303 Lane Hall, (207) 753-6930

Employment of Seniors and Alumni:
The Director of the Bates Career
Development Center,
Canham House, (207) 786-6232

Gifts and Bequests:
The Office of College Advancement
312 Lane Hall, (207) 786-6247

Records and Registration:
The Registrar
Libbey Forum, (207) 755-5949

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty:
120 Lane Hall, (207) 786-6066

Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students:
102 Lane Hall, (207) 786-6219

This catalog constitutes the basic agreement between the college and its students and prospective students. In case of conflict between this catalog and any supplements hereto and any other written or oral statements, this catalog and its supplements shall be deemed to be the official statement. Following the initial publication of this catalog at the start of the academic year, additions throughout the academic year such as new courses and updated deadlines and fees are also published in the online version of the catalog, which is considered a supplement. ( The college reserves the right to change any of the statements herein by reasonable notice in any supplemental catalog or other publication specifically setting forth any such changes.

Bates College is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc., through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.

Inquiries regarding the accreditation status by the New England Association should be directed to the Office of the President of Bates College. Individuals may also contact the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, 209 Burlington Road, Bedford MA 01730-1433; (781) 271-0022; email

Bates values the diversity of persons, perspectives, and convictions. Critical thinking, rigorous analysis, and open discussion of a full range of ideas lie at the heart of the college's mission as an institution of higher learning. The college seeks to encourage inquiry and reasoned dialogue in a climate of mutual respect.

Bates College is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and providing an educational and work environment free from discrimination. The college prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status and other legally protected statuses in the recruitment and admission of its students, in the administration of its education policies and programs, or in the recruitment of its faculty and staff. Bates College adheres to all applicable state and federal equal opportunity laws and regulations.