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Chemistry and Biochemistry

Professors Wenzel and Lawson; Associate Professors Côté (chair), Austin, and Schlax; Assistant Professor Koviach; Lecturers Dignam and Hausman

Chemistry deals with phenomena that affect nearly every aspect of our lives and environment. A liberal education in this scientific and technological age should include some exposure to the theories, laws, applications, and potential of this science.

The chemistry curriculum is sufficiently flexible to allow students with career interests in areas such as the health professions, law, business, and education to design a major program suitable to their goals. Students interested in careers in chemistry or biochemistry will find sufficient chemistry electives to provide a strong background for work in graduate school, the industry, or other positions requiring a strong foundation in chemistry. A major in biological chemistry has been developed in conjunction with the biology department, and is described in a separate section of the Catalog. The department and its curriculum are approved by the American Chemical Society. More information on the chemistry department is available on the Web site (

Cross-listed Courses

Note that unless otherwise specified, when a department/program references a course or unit in the department/program, it includes courses and units cross-listed with the department/program.

Major Requirements

All students majoring in chemistry are required to meet the following minimum course requirements: Chemistry 107A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 107B; Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B; Chemistry 212; 215; 217-218; 301; either Chemistry 302 or 310; and either Chemistry 332 or s42. In addition, students choosing Chemistry 332 must select an elective from Chemistry 223, 313, 316, 325, or s42; students choosing s42 must select an elective from Chemistry 223, 302, 310, 316, 321, or 332. A senior thesis is required, Chemistry 457 or 458. Further course and unit selections depend upon the goals and interests of the student. All students preparing for graduate study or for a position in the chemical industry should include in their programs Chemistry 223, 316, and any other advanced courses in their specific area of interest. It should be noted that courses in mathematics and physics are prerequisites for some of the advanced courses in chemistry. A written thesis required of all majors may be either a laboratory or library thesis. Students doing a laboratory thesis may register for Chemistry 457, 458, or both, while students doing a library project may register for Chemistry 457 or 458. Students in the Honors Program must register for 457 and 458. All senior majors must participate in the department's seminar program. Each major is required to deliver two research presentations during the senior year.

Pass/Fail Grading Option

Pass/fail grading may not be elected for courses applied toward the major.

General Education

The following courses may serve as a department-designated set: 107A-108A, 107A-108B, 107B-108A, 107B-108B, 107A-125, 107B-125, 107A-s21, 107B-s21. The following units may serve as partial fulfillment of the natural science requirement as a third course: 125, 199, s21, s22, s23, s28, s32, and s33. The quantitative requirement may be satisfied through any course or unit except 132, s21, or s28. Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or A-Level credit awarded by the department/program may not be used towards fulfillment of any General Education requirements.

CHEM 107A. Atomic and Molecular Structure.
Fundamental concepts underlying the structure and behavior of matter are developed. Major topics include states of matter, atomic structure, periodicity, and bonding. This course, or its equivalent, is a prerequisite for all advanced courses in chemistry. Laboratory: three hours per week. Enrollment limited to 60 per section. Normally offered every year. M. Côté, P. Schlax, R. Austin.
CH/ES 107B. Chemical Structure and Its Importance in the Environment.
Fundamentals of atomic and molecular structure are developed with particular attention to how they relate to substances of interest in the environment. Periodicity, bonding, states of matter, and intermolecular forces are covered. The laboratory (three hours per week) involves a semester-long group investigation of a topic of environmental significance. Not open to students who have received credit for Chemistry 107B or Environmental Studies 107B. Enrollment limited to 60 per section. Normally offered every year. T. Wenzel.
CHEM 108A. Chemical Reactivity.
A continuation of Chemistry 107A. Major topics include thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, acid/base behavior, and electrochemistry. Laboratory: three hours per week. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 107A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 107B. Enrollment limited to 60 per section. Normally offered every year. T. Lawson, P. Schlax.
CH/ES 108B. Chemical Reactivity in Environmental Systems.
A continuation of Chemistry/Environmental Studies 107B. Major topics include thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, acid/base chemistry, and electrochemistry. Biogeochemical cycles provide examples for course topics. The laboratory (three hours per week) analyzes the chemistry of marine environments. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 107A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 107B. Not open to students who have received credit for Chemistry 108B or Environmental Studies 108B. Enrollment limited to 60. Normally offered every year. R. Austin.
CHEM 125. Bioenergetics.
Living organisms require nutrients extracted from the environment to support the chemical reactions necessary for all life processes including development, growth, motion, and reproduction. Maintaining the chemical reactions that allow the web of life to continue to exist on Earth demands a continuous input of energy. This course examines the flow of energy from the sun into the biosphere through plants and into animals, with a focus on humans. Through the use of a combination of learning techniques, including research and oral presentations, problem solving, and group discussions, the chemistry behind this energy flow is explored, as are the ways in which energy is used by living organisms. May not be applied toward the chemistry or biological chemistry major. Recommended background: high school chemistry. Enrollment limited to 30. Normally offered every other year. T. Lawson.
CHEM 132. Women in Chemistry.
Women continue to be underrepresented in chemistry. Furthermore, important discoveries made by women are often omitted from the chemistry curriculum. Topics addressed in this course include the important scientific contributions of women chemists; the barriers that have inhibited and factors that have promoted the participation of women in chemistry, including aspects of balancing family and career; the extent to which practices and descriptive language in chemistry are inscribed with gender; and feminist critiques of science, particularly as they apply to chemistry. Enrollment limited to 50. Normally offered every other year. T. Wenzel.
CHEM 199. Nanotechnology Project.
This hands-on course serves as an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of nanotechnology and to collaborative scientific work. Students contribute to a class nanotechnology project by working in small groups. Effective collaboration and communication within and among groups is emphasized, including informal conversations, oral presentations, and written reports. Possible projects include designing and building a simple scanned probe microscope, and fabricating and characterizing nanostructures. Enrollment limited to 15. M. Côté.
CHEM 212. Separation Science.
A study of some of the most universally used methods and techniques of chemical separation. Both theory and applications are covered. Topics include chemical equilibrium, liquid-liquid extraction, gas and liquid chromatography, and electrophoresis. Laboratory: three hours per week. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B. Normally offered every year. T. Wenzel.
CHEM 215. Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry.
A study of the wide-ranging aspects of inorganic chemistry. The use of periodic trends and fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry to systematize the descriptive chemistry of the elements is explored. Topics include reaction mechanisms in inorganic chemistry, ligand field theory, and solid state chemistry. Applications of inorganic chemistry to biochemistry, environmental chemistry, and geochemistry are also considered. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B. Normally offered every year. R. Austin.
CHEM 217. Organic Chemistry I.
An introduction to organic chemistry. Topics include bonding, structure, stereochemistry, and nomenclature; reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkylhalides, alkynes, and radicals; and spectroscopic methods. Laboratory: three hours per week. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B. Enrollment limited to 72. Normally offered every year. J. Koviach.
CHEM 218. Organic Chemistry II.
A continuation of Chemistry 217. The reactions of alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, and aromatics are studied from both a mechanistic and a synthetic point of view. Laboratory: three hours per week. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 217. Enrollment limited to 72. Normally offered every year. J. Koviach.
CHEM 223. Analytical Spectroscopy and Electrochemistry.
Spectroscopic and electrochemical methods employed in chemical analysis are discussed. Topics include ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and atomic spectroscopy; and potentiometric and voltametric methods of analysis. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B. Normally offered every other year. T. Wenzel.
CHEM 301. Quantum Chemistry.
Major topics include quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular structure, and spectroscopy. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B, Physics 107, Mathematics 105 and 106. Corequisite(s): Physics 108 and Mathematics 205. Not open to students who have received credit for Chemistry 206. Normally offered every year. M. Côté.
CHEM 302. Statistical Thermodynamics.
Major topics include statistical mechanics and chemical thermodynamics. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B, Mathematics 105 and 106. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): Physics 107. Alternates with Chemistry 310. Not open to students who have received credit for Chemistry 203. Normally offered every other year. M. Côté.
CHEM 310. Biophysical Chemistry.
This course is an overview of physical chemical principles and techniques used in understanding the properties, interactions, and functions of biological molecules. Thermodynamic, kinetic, and statistical mechanical principles are applied to understanding macromolecular assembly processes (i.e., assembly of viruses or ribosomes) and macromolecular interactions involved in gene expression and regulation, DNA replication, and other biological processes. Techniques used in studying protein folding, RNA folding, and enzyme kinetics are presented. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B, Physics 107, Mathematics 105 and 106. Alternates with Chemistry 302. Not open to students who have received credit for Chemistry 220. Normally offered every other year. P. Schlax.
CHEM 313. Spectroscopic Determination of Molecular Structure.
In this course the utilization of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectral data for structural analysis is developed. Particular attention is given to the interpretation of proton, carbon-13, and two-dimensional NMR spectra, and to the interpretation of fragmentation patterns in electron-impact mass spectrometry. Theoretical and instrumental aspects of modern NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry are covered. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 218. Normally offered every other year. T. Wenzel.
CHEM 316. Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry.
A study of selected advanced topics in inorganic chemistry. Emphasis is placed on the application of group theory to the elucidation of electronic structure. Selected topics may also include bioinorganic chemistry, inorganic materials, and inorganic reaction mechanisms. Opportunities for critical reading of the current literature are also presented. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 206 or 215. Normally offered every other year. R. Austin.
CHEM 321. Biological Chemistry I.
An introduction to biologically important molecules and macromolecular assemblies. Topics discussed include the structure and chemistry of proteins; the mechanisms and kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions; and the structure, chemistry, and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and biological membranes. Laboratory: three hours per week. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 218. Recommended background: Biology s42. Enrollment limited to 26. Normally offered every year. T. Lawson, P. Schlax.
CHEM 322. Biological Chemistry II.
A survey of the major metabolic processes in living cells. Topics discussed include protein synthesis, DNA replication and gene expression, the global organization of metabolic pathways, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism, biological oxidation, reduction and energy production, and the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds. Special attention is given to the mechanisms by which metabolic processes are regulated. Laboratory: three hours per week. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 321. Normally offered every year. T. Lawson.
CHEM 325. Organic Synthesis.
A study of important organic reactions with emphasis on structure, stereochemistry, mechanism, and synthesis. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 218. Normally offered every other year. J. Koviach.
CHEM 326. Advanced Organic Chemistry.
Lectures and discussions about various aspects of theoretical organic chemistry related to the structure of organic molecules and reactive intermediates. Topics include molecular orbital theory, orbital symmetry, thermodynamics, conformational analysis, and kinetics. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 218. Recommended background: Chemistry 203. Offered with varying frequency. J. Koviach.
CHEM 327. Topics in Macromolecular Chemistry.
Macromolecular chemistry is a broad subject encompassing the synthesis, characterization, properties, and uses of polymers. Current areas of research in macromolecular chemistry, techniques used to characterize macromolecules, and unique physical properties of macromolecules are introduced. Students explore topics including synthesis of biodegradable plastics, structure and functions of catalytic RNA, structural characterization of polymers, characterization or uses of semiconducting polymers, dendrimer synthesis, mechanisms of molecular evolution, and harnessing DNA as a microprocessor or micromotor. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 218. Offered with varying frequency. P. Schlax.
CHEM 332. Advanced Chemical Measurement Laboratory.
The use of spectroscopic methods to probe atomic and molecular structure, and to identify, characterize, and quantify chemical species is examined. Measurements of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters describing chemical reactions are performed. Theoretical and experimental aspects of several techniques including nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy, and UV-visible spectroscopy are covered. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 301. Normally offered every other year. M. Côté, P. Schlax.
CHEM 360. Independent Study.
Students, in consultation with a faculty advisor, individually design and plan a course of study or research not offered in the curriculum. Course work includes a reflective component, evaluation, and completion of an agreed-upon product. Sponsorship by a faculty member in the program/department, a course prospectus, and permission of the chair are required. Students may register for no more than one independent study per semester. Normally offered every semester. Staff.
CHEM 457. Senior Research and Seminar.
A laboratory or library research study in an area of interest under the supervision of a member of the department. Each senior major delivers two presentations on his or her research. Students register for Chemistry 457 in the fall semester and for Chemistry 458 in the winter semester. Majors writing an honors thesis register for both Chemistry 457 and 458. Normally offered every year. Staff.
CHEM 457, 458. Senior Research and Seminar.
A laboratory or library research study in an area of interest under the supervision of a member of the department. Each senior major delivers two presentations on his or her research. Students register for Chemistry 457 in the fall semester and for Chemistry 458 in the winter semester. Majors writing an honors thesis register for both Chemistry 457 and 458. Normally offered every year. Staff.
CHEM 458. Senior Research and Seminar.
A laboratory or library research study in an area of interest under the supervision of a member of the department. Each senior major delivers two presentations on his or her research. Students register for Chemistry 458 in the winter semester. Majors writing an honors thesis register for both Chemistry 457 and 458. Normally offered every year. Staff.
Short Term Courses
CHEM s21. Biotechnology: Life Science for Citizens.
A nonscientist's introduction to the science of the biotechnology revolution. Topics include the basic biology and chemistry of cells, the biochemistry of gene expression, the development and applications of recombinant DNA and related technologies, and the structure and functioning of the biotechnology research establishment in the United States. Weekly laboratory exercises include a DNA cloning project. Not open to majors in chemistry, biological chemistry, or biology. Enrollment limited to 18. Offered with varying frequency. T. Lawson, P. Schlax.
CHEM s22. Chemistry for the Curious Citizen.
A nonscientist's introduction to chemistry. Collaborative laboratories introduce important concepts through observation and experimentation. Emphasis is on real-life applications such as treatment of anemia or iron overload, design of a fireproof safe, detection and remediation of contaminants in the wastewater, and analysis of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Recommended background: high school chemistry. Not open to science majors. Not open to students who have received credit for Chemistry 107 and 108. Enrollment limited to 20. Offered with varying frequency. Staff.
CHEM s23. Water, Water Everywhere.
Water, or H2O, is a small and seemingly simple molecule that has tremendous impact on our lives. Water is everywhere: in us, around us, above us, and below us. This unit explores the origins of water on Earth, its underlying electronic structure, its remarkable properties, and how its use and misuse affect environmental and political issues. A laboratory component introduces basic techniques that enable students to investigate the quality of some of Maine's waterways.New course beginning Short Term 2005. Enrollment limited to 20. M. Hausman.
CH/PH s28. Digital Signals.
Digitized signals are playing an increasing role in scientific measurements, telecommunications, and consumer electronics. While it is often claimed that "the future is digital," there are trade-offs and limitations associated with any signal processing technique. This unit exposes students to the realities of analog and digital data acquisition, basic forms of signal processing, and their application to scientific measurements and to consumer electronics, including audio. Hands-on experience is gained by constructing simple electronic circuits and creating signal acquisition and manipulation software. No previous electronics or computer programming experience is necessary. Recommended background: Mathematics 105. Not open to students who have received credit for Chemistry s28 or Physics s28. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 15. Offered with varying frequency. M. Côté.
CHEM s32. Practical Genomics and Bioinformatics.
Genomics is the emerging science of studying genes and gene function as dynamic, coordinated systems. Bioinformatics refers to the development of methods for storing, retrieving, analyzing, and integrating biological molecule sequence data. These new branches of science have become both possible and necessary because of the recent and extremely rapid accumulation of DNA sequence data that has resulted from technological advances in biochemistry and molecular biology. This unit explores the methods by which these data are collected, including cloning techniques, sequencing procedures, and methods for monitoring gene expression. Students sequence and analyze the expression of a gene from a marine organism. Students live and work for two weeks at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory. Prerequisite(s): any 100-level biology or chemistry course. Enrollment limited to 16. Offered with varying frequency. T. Lawson.
CHEM s33. Electrochemistry, Calorimetry, and the Cold Fusion Controversy.
This unit addresses such topics as the hydrogen and oxygen electrode reactions in water and heavy water, calorimetric measurements involving electrochemical systems, claims of excess enthalpy and helium-4 production, and the major controversial topics surrounding cold nuclear fusion in the Palladium-Deuterium system. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 108A or Chemistry/Environmental Studies 108B. Enrollment limited to 30. Staff.
CHEM s42. Chemical Synthesis and Reactivity.
Multi-step synthesis, reactivity, and characterization of complex inorganic and organic molecules. Working independently, students carry out week-long experiments designed to introduce important techniques in modern organic and inorganic chemistry. Concepts covered include stereoselective reactions, air sensitive syntheses, and purification techniques. In addition, students gain hands-on experience with a wide variety of instrumentation used for compound characterization. Emphasis is placed on proper techniques in laboratory work, safety, waste handling, and communicating experimental approaches and results. Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 215 and 218. Enrollment limited to 15. Normally offered every other year. R. Austin, J. Koviach.
CHEM s50. Independent Study.
Students, in consultation with a faculty advisor, individually design and plan a course of study or research not offered in the curriculum. Course work includes a reflective component, evaluation, and completion of an agreed-upon product. Sponsorship by a faculty member in the program/department, a course prospectus, and permission of the chair are required. Students may register for no more than one independent study during a Short Term. Normally offered every year. Staff.