The material on this page is from the 2002-03 catalog and may be out of date. Please check the current year's catalog for current information.
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Interdisciplinary Studies
Students may choose to major in an established interdisciplinary program supported by faculty committees or design an independent interdisciplinary major. Established programs are African American studies, American cultural studies, Asian studies, biological chemistry, classical and medieval studies, environmental studies, neuroscience, and women's and gender studies. Students should consult the chairs of these programs for information about requirements and theses. Students undertaking independent interdisciplinary majors should consult the section of the Catalog on the Academic Program (see p. 20). Independent interdisciplinary majors are supported by the Committee on Curriculum and Calendar and students should consult the committee chair for information about requirements and theses. CoursesINDS 165. African American Philosophers. This course focuses on how African American philosophers confront and address philosophical problems. Students consider the relationship between the black experience and traditional themes in Western philosophy. Attention is also given to the motivations and context sustaining African American philosophers. Recommended background: African American Studies 140A or Political Science 119. Cross-listed in African American studies, American cultural studies, and philosophy. Enrollment limited to 40. Not open to students who have received credit for African American Studies 165. Offered with varying frequency. J. McClendon. INDS 228. Caring for Creation: Physics, Religion, and the Environment. This course considers scientific and religious accounts of the origin of the universe, examines the relations between these accounts, and explores the way they shape our deepest attitudes toward the natural world. Topics of discussion include the biblical creation stories, contemporary scientific cosmology, the interplay between these scientific and religious ideas, and the roles they both can play in forming a response to environmental problems. Cross-listed in environmental studies, physics, and religion. Enrollment limited to 40. Not open to students who have received credit for Environmental Studies 228, Physics 228, or Religion 228. Offered with varying frequency. J. Smedley, T. Tracy. INDS 239. Black Women in Music. Angela Davis states, "Black people were able to create with their music an aesthetic community of resistance, which in turn encouraged and nurtured a political community of active struggle for freedom." This course examines the role of black women as critics, composers, and performers who challenge externally defined controlling images. Topics include: black women in the music industry; black women in music of the African diaspora; and black women as rappers, jazz innovators, and musicians in the classical and gospel traditions. Cross-listed in African American studies, music, and women's and gender studies. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 30. Not open to students who have received credit for African American Studies 239, Music 239, or Women and Gender Studies 239. Normally offered every other year. L. Williams. INDS 240. Theory and Method in African American Studies. This course addresses the relationship between political culture and cultural politics within African American studies. Particular attention is paid to the contending theories of cultural criticism. Cornel West, Molefi Asante, Patricia Hill Collins, Angela Davis, bell hooks, Maramba Ani, and Henry Louis Gates Jr. are some of the theorists under review. Recommended background: Political Science 119 or significant work in political science, American cultural studies, or African American studies. Cross-listed in African American studies, American cultural studies and philosophy. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 50. Not open to students who have received credit for American Cultural Studies 240 or Political Science 240. Offered with varying frequency. J. McClendon. INDS 250. Interdisciplinary Studies: Methods and Modes of Inquiry. Interdisciplinarity involves more than a meeting of disciplines. Practitioners stretch methodological norms and reach across disciplinary boundaries. Through examination of a single topic, this course introduces students to interdisciplinary methods of analysis. Students examine what practitioners actually do and work to become practitioners themselves. Prerequisite(s): two courses in women's and gender studies, African American studies, or American cultural studies, one of which must be an introductory course in any one of the programs. (i.e. WGST 100 or AAS 140). Cross-listed in African American studies, American cultural studies, and women's and gender studies. Enrollment limited to 40. Not open to students who have received credit for African American Studies 250, American Cultural Studies 250, or Women and Gender Studies 250. Normally offered every year. R. Herzig. Course prerequisite modification beginning Fall 2003. INDS 260. U.S. Latina/Chicana Writings. This course rests on two conceptual underpinnings: Gloria Anzaldua's Neueva Mestiza", and the more recent "U.S. Pan-latinidad" postulated by the Latina Feminist Group. The literary and theoretical production of Chicanas and Latinas is examined through those lenses. Particular attention is given to developing a working knowledge of the key historical and cultural discourses engaged by these writings, and the various contemporary United States Latina and Chicana positionalities vis à vis popular ethnic representations. The course also examines the function given to marketable cultural productions depending on the different agents involved. Open to first-year students. Cross-listed in American Cultural Studies, Spanish, and Women and Gender Studies. C. Aburto Guzmán. New course beginning Fall 2003. INDS 262. Ethnomusicology: African Diaspora. This introductory course is a survey of key concepts, problems, and perspectives in ethnomusicological theory drawing upon the African diaspora as a cross-cultural framework. This course focuses on the social, political, and intellectual forces of African culture that contributed to the growth of ethnomusicology from the late nineteenth century to the present. Cross-listed in African American studies, anthropology, and music. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 25. Not open to students who have received credit for African American Studies 262, Anthropology 262, or Music 262. Normally offered every other year. L. Williams. INDS 291. Exhibiting Cultures. This course examines the politics of exhibiting cultures. Each week the course analyzies specific exhibitions of cultural artifacts, visual culture and the cultural body as a means to evaluate the larger issues surrounding such displays. These includes issues of race, colonialism, post-colonialism and curatorial authority in relation to the politics of exhibiting cultures. A field trip to analyze an exhibition is a critical part of the students experience in the course. Students are required to lead a discussion of the readings, participate in discussions, write a research paper deconstructing an exhibition, and work with a group to design their own theorectical exhibition. Cross-listed in African American Studies, American Cultural Studies and Art. A. Bessire. New course beginning Winter 2003. INDS 339. Africana Thought and Practice. This seminar examines in depth a broad range of black thought. Students consider the various philosophical problems and the theoretical issues and practical solutions offered by such scholar/activists as W. E. B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Claudia Jones, C. L. R. James, Leopold Senghor, Amilcar Cabrah, Charlotta Bass, Lucy Parsons, Walter Rodney, and Frantz Fanon. Recommended background: a course on the Africana world, or a course in philosophy or political theory. Cross-listed in African American studies, American cultural studies, and philosophy. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 15. Not open to students who have received credit for American Cultural Studies 339 or Political Science 339. Offered with varying frequency. J. McClendon. INDS 457, 458. Interdisciplinary Senior Thesis. Independent study and writing of a major research paper in the area of the student's interdisciplinary major, supervised by an appropriate faculty member. Students register for Interdisciplinary Senior Thesis 457 in the fall semester. Interdisciplinary majors writing an honors thesis register for both Interdisciplinary Thesis 457 and 458. Normally offered every year. Staff. Short Term UnitsINDS s18. African American Culture through Sports. Sports in African American culture have served in a variety of ways to offer a means for social, economic, cultural, and even political advancement. This unit examines how sports have historically formed and contemporaneously shape the contours of African American culture. Particular attention is given to such questions as segregation, gender equity, cultural images, and their political effects for African American athletes and the black community. In addition to the required and recommended readings, lectures, and discussions, videos and films are central to the teaching and learning process. Cross-listed in African American studies, American cultural studies, and philosophy. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 30. Not open to students who have received credit for American Cultural Studies s18 or Political Science s18. Offered with varying frequency. J. McClendon. INDS s21. Writing a Black Environment. This unit studies the response of Black writers and intellectuals of the Spanish-speaking world to issues related to the natural environment. In countries and regions of Afro-Hispanic majority the presence of the oil industry has brought serious challenges to notions of economic progress, human rights, and national sovereignty, as well as individual and communal identity. Writers from Esmeraldas, Ecuador, and Equatorial Guinea chronicle the contradictory discourses present in their societies between modernity, tradition, the idea of progress, and the degradation of the ecosystem. Recommended background: Spanish 202. Cross-listed in African American studies, environmental studies, and Spanish. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 15. Not open to students who have received credit for African American Studies s21, Environmental Studies s21 or Spanish s21. Offered with varying frequency. B. Fra-Molinero. INDS s26. Reading in the Greek New Testament. Intensive introduction to New Testament Greek. Students begin reading in the Gospel of John, while studying the Koine, or commonly spoken Greek language of late classical and early Christian times. No previous knowledge of Greek is assumed. Cross-listed in classical and medieval studies, Greek, and religion. Enrollment limited to 8. Not open to students who have received credit for Classical and Medieval Studies s26, Greek s26, or Religion s26. Offered with varying frequency. R. Allison. |
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